The XXXXIII International Apicultural Congress Presentation at Luhansk Region
05 March, 2013The President of XXXXIII International Apicultural Congress Mrs. Tetiana Vasylkivska made presentation of the Congress at the III All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference on beekeeping issues “Modern Apiculture of Luhansk Region on the eve of the Beekeepers’ International Forum in Ukraine”.
The Conference was held on 5 March 2013 in Luhansk National Agrarian University.
The Deputy Head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration Mr. Masliyov S.V., the Director of the Agribusiness Department of Luhansk Regional State Administration Mr. Horoshko A.O., and the Head of the Chief Directorate of the veterinary medicine of Luhansk Region Mr. Martynenko M.V. participated in the Conference.
The main hall of the University was full due to the professional beekeepers, amateur beekeepers, the producers of the beekeeping equipment and beekeeping products, which came to the conference from all over the Donbass Region. The scientists, lectors and students of the Luhansk National Agrarian University actively participated in the Conference.
The beekeeping studies in the University are strongly supported by the Rector of the University PhD Valentina Tkachenko, the Doctor of Economics Sciences, professor, academician of the NAAS of Ukraine. Due to her support the LNAU Science educational and production center of beekeeping was created, many students and postgraduates working within the framework of the Center.
The following presentations and reports were presented at the Conference:
“The stage of apicultural sector in Luhansk Region” by Mr. Horoshko, the Director of the Agribusiness Department of Luhansk Regional State Administration;
“The Dynamics of the Development of the contemporary apiculture of Luhansk Region” by Mr. Papchenko O.V., the Head of the LNAU Science educational and production center of beekeeping, the Head of the Beekeepers Association of Luhansk Region, the Head of the Luhansk Region Working Commission of the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII International Apicultural Congress;
“The Use of the Non-Zoned bee subspecies in the territory of Luhansk Region” by Ms. Garska N.O., Candidate of biological Sciences, the Docent of the LNAU Academic Department of Husbandry products processing;
“Epizootic situation of Honey Bees diseases in Luhansk Region” by Mr. Martynenko M.V., the Head of the Chief Directorate of the veterinary medicine of Luhansk Region;
“The use of the propolis medications in veterinary medicine” by Mr. Boublik V.M., Candidate of biological Sciences, the Docent of the LNAU Physiology and Microbiology Academic Department”;
“The overview of European veterinary medications” by Mr. Hakovenko A.D., the Board Member of the All-Ukrainian NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers”, Technical Coordinator of the member of the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII International Apicultural Congress;
“Ecological aspects of the modern beekeeping of Luhansk Region” by Mr. Kovalevsky M.O., Candidate of biological Sciences, the Docent of the LNAU;
“The overview of the global and Ukranian honey markets” by Mr. Baldik D.O., the assistant to the LNAU Statistics and economics analysys Academic Department;
“The importance of high quality beekeeping products for the human’s life” by Mr. Tatarenko M.M., the Head of the Rural and Urban Luhansk Region Division of the Beekeepers Association of Luhansk Region.
The President of XXXXIII International Apicultural Congress Mrs. Tetiana Vasylkivska made report on the Congress preparation stage. Mrs. Tetiana Vasylkivska noted in her report the outstanding activities of the Beekeepers Association of Luhansk Region within the framework of the preparation of the Donbass Tourist program for the Delegates along with the readiness od Luhansk Region beekeepers to participate in the Congress Social and Cultural Programs.
Mrs. Tetiana Vasylkivska paid special attention to the Congress Scientific Program noting many scientists of the Luhansk National Agrarian University to submit abstracts to the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII International Apicultural Congress for 7 Commissions of the Scientific Program.
The Organizing Committee signed the Protocol if Intentions with Luhansk National Agrarian University on 28 February 2012. The Organizing Committee invited the Dean of the Biotechnological Faculty of the LNAU, the Head of the Livestock breeding and genetics Academic Department, the Candidate of Agriculture Sciences PhD Volodymyr Afanasenko to become the Head of the Scientific Commission “Beekeeping for Rural Development”. PhD Volodymyr Afanasenko is reviewing the abstracts on the “Beekeeping for Rural Development” theme that are sent from the scientists. He will become a moderator of the Scientific Conference session of “Beekeeping for Rural Development” during the XXXXIII International Apicultural Congress.
Mrs. Vasylkivska Tetiana thanked the Rector of the Luhansk National Agrarian University PhD Valentina Tkachenko, the First Prorectror and the Educational Unit Prorector Mr. Vadim Matveev, the Scientific Work Prorector Mr. Mykola Braginets, all the LNAU scientists for the support of the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII International Apicultural Congress by involving the scientists, the LNAU students and the beekeepers community of Donbas to the participation in the Congress.
Mrs. Tetiana Vasylkivska expressed gratitude to the The Head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration Mr. Masliyov S.V., the Director of the Agribusiness Department of Luhansk Regional State Administration Mr. Horoshko A.O. and the Head of the Chief Directorate of the veterinary medicine of Luhansk Region Mr. Martynenko M.V. for their attention to the beekeepers which are in need of the state authorities support as per moment.
Mrs. Tetiana Vasylkivska thanked the Head of the LNAU Science educational and production center of beekeeping Mr. Papchenko O.V. for his dedicated work, his constant participation in all the events and sessions held by the NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers” and by the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII International Apicultural Congress with a view to improve the work of the beekeepers and of the beekeeping sector of Ukraine.
The Conference was consummated with the Resolution pronounced by Mr. Masliyov S.V. The Resolution of the III All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference on beekeeping issues “Modern Apiculture of Luhansk Region on the eve of the Beekeepers’ International Forum in Ukraine” contained the issues of the beekeeping development of Luhansk Region, the main aspects of the XXXXIII International Apicultural Congress Participation of the LNAU and the Beekeepers Association of Luhansk Region.
After the conference Mrs. Tetiana Vasylkivska, Mr. Anatoliy Kharkovenko and Mr. Oleksandr Papchenko visited the Veterinary Medicine Faculty of the LNAU. The Dean of the Faculty Mr. Vasyl Sharandak spoke on the work of the Faculty. Mr. Vasyl Sharandak noted that a substantial work has been done in terms of Faculty Organization and Development under the guidance of the LNAU Rector PhD Valentina Tkachenko. The new Academic Departments have been established, the laboratories of the histology, physiology of farm animals, pets anatomy, bacteriology, virology, immunology, epizootiology, parasitology, surgery, therapy, veterinary obstetrics, patanatomy and forensic veterinary, etc. have been created. The scientific research is being conducted in these laboratories.
The scientific work of the Faculty employees is aimed at the study of the issues of the diagnostics, treatment and prevention of the infectious, parasitic and non-communicable diseases of the cattle, pig, poultry and rabbits within the framework of the 7 Academic Departments namely the Academic Department of anatomy and veterinary obstetrics, the Academic Department of pharmacology and parasitology, the Academic Department of physiology and microbiology, the Academic Department of quality and safety of agribusiness, the Academic Department of surgery and diseases of small animals, the Academic Department of epizootiology, the Academic Department of patanatomy and forensic veterinary, the Academic Department of animals internal diseases.
The students have an opportunity to practice at the Animal husbandry large farms, horse farms and in the veterinary clinics of the Region and of the European Countries, i.e., Denmark, Sweden and Germany during the period of 6-12 month. During the practice the students will obtain working experience and have an opportunity to practice independently the treatment and desease prevention of animals.
Mr. Vasyl Sharandak conducted an excursion in the Anatomical Museum of the Faculty. The museum is the result of dedicated and hard word of Mr. Vasyl Sharandak and other enthusiasts who have manufactured and collected unique exhibits. The outstanding quality of the exhibits, the great work of the University in terms of the Museum creation and support, the impressive effectiveness of the students education and practice and the scientists work in the Museum evidence the high professionalism of Luhansk National Agrarian University and the high level of the preparation of the students and postgraduates that study in the best University of Ukraine.