TENTORIUM® is one of the largest enterprises in Russia processing a whole range of bee products on an industrial scale.
The Company works on the market of wellness products for 25 years. Today the Company produces more than 200 items each of which go through painstaking quality control at every level of manufacturing. For processing the Company acquires bee products from a great amount of suppliers from different regions.
For many years TENTORIUM® has implemented projects aimed at the development of beekeeping: “Agrofranchise. The Development of Beekeeping”- business-offer concerning organization of apiaries, arranging the opening of 30 specialized shops for beekeepers in different cities of Russia, initiation of the World Save Bee Fund WSBF e.V, the issue of the “Its Majesty the Bee” magazine and many other things. In 2012 the Company realized a scale capital investment project “Building of the ApiEnterprise” that lets significantly increase the volume of processing bee products. High technology equipment for the ApiEnterprise was designed and developed according to HASSP standards (principles providing safety of food products) that let carry out gentle processing of raw materials. New ApiEnterprise of the TENTORIUM® Apicompany contributes to active development of beekeeping not only on the territory of Russia but also a range of foreign countries.
To promote its products the TENTORIUM® Apicompany chose “from heart to heart” system – the system of direct sales. The representative offices of “Tentorium” work throughout Russia and in the countries of European Union: Italy, Germany, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Mongolia, and Cyprus, and also in Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Ukraine, Turkey, Kirgizia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia.
Specialists of beekeeping industry note that distributors of TENTORIUM® promoting products contribute to the development of beekeeping and increase of sales volume of raw materials in different regions. TENTORIUM® plans to enter such international markets as Arab Emirates, Canada, USA, Turkey, Spain, France and others.