

Technology of bee health improvement without medicines

Technology of bee health improvement without medicinesOn December 17-18, 2011 on the initiative of the NGO “Beekeepers’ Union of Crimea” headed by MykolaKlochko, a workshop “Technology of Bee Health Improvement without Medicines” was held in Crimea.

Recently, representatives of the NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers” returned from the III International Forum on Apitherapy and Quality of bee products Apimedica&Apiquality 2010 that took place from 28.09to02.10in Ljubljana(Slovenia).28.09 to 02.10 in Ljubljana (Slovenia). The First International Conference of Beekeeping Associations was held as part of the Forum. A framework protocol on recognition the honey bee as endangered species was signed at the conference. In fact, the signing of the protocol was a significant event in beekeeping — the first step to the historic act to be signed in 2013 at the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress in Kyiv.

Plenary session of the workshop was held at the Cultural Centre “Zheleznodorozhnik” in Simferopol on December 17. The workshop was attended by the beekeepers from the AR of Crimea, Nikopol and Donetsk. The workshop was also attended by the Heads of regional organizations of the NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers” — from Lviv (ShevchukVolodymyr), Ivano-Frankivsk (KhmelyakMykhailo), Cherkasy (Moroz Petro), Sumy (PetrovDmytro).

The President of the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress, the Chairman of the Board of the NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers” Tetyana Y. Vasylkivska, Deputy Chairman of the NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers” SerhiyShmulia, Technical Coordinator of the Organizing Committee of the Apimondia Congress 2013 AnatoliyKharkovenko participated in the workshop.

Beekeeping experts from Luhansk were invited to attend the workshop. In particular, the Head of the Beekeepers’ Association of Luhansk region, Head of the Beekeeping Education and Research Center of the Lugansk National Agrarian University OleksandrPapchenko took an active part in the workshop.

Archimandrite Father Nikodym — Director of the Virgin Abkhazian Research Institute of Beekeeping attended the workshop in Crimea. In November, he made an offer to the Organizing Committee of the Apimondia Congress 2013 to cooperate. At the invitation of the NGOs “Beekeepers’ Union of Crimea” and “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers”, the workshop was attended by Viktor I. Ovsyanik — the President of the NGO “Association of Beekeepers and Apiphytotherapists of Crimea” (ABAC).

According to the workshop topic, the main speakers were: scientist, Candidate of Biological Sciences Petro Y. Khmara (Kyiv); beekeeper of I category, researcher V. Malykhin (Donetsk region, Svyatogorsk); beekeeper-practitioner, researcher M. I. Milenin (AR Crimea); S.R. Seytkhalilov — expert in extracting and preserving royal jelly, Head of the queen breeding farm “Sirbila” (AR Crimea).

Chairman of the Board of the NGO “Beekeepers’ Union of Crimea” KlochkoMykola started the workshop. In his welcoming speech, MykolaDmytrovych briefly told about the work and needs of Crimean beekeepers, development of cooperation between the “Beekeepers’ Union of Crimea” and “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers”, prospects of Crimean beekeepers’ participation in preparation stage and holding of the Apimondia Congress 2013.

Chairman of the Board of the NGO “Beekeepers’ Union of Crimea” KlochkoMykola Workshop “Technology of Bee Health Improvement without Medicines”


TetyanaVasylkivska briefed the participants on the activity of the Organizing Committee of the Apimondia Congress 2013, approving the Crimean apisites to be included in the Apitourism Program for delegates and guests of the Congress Apimondia 2013, the need to consolidate for the most effective cooperation between initiative members of non-governmental organizations and the Organizing Committee of the Congress during the preparation stage and during the holding of the largest international event in Ukrainian beekeeping.

Workshop “Technology of Bee Health Improvement without Medicines” Workshop “Technology of Bee Health Improvement without Medicines”

After the opening speeches, a poeticandmusicalwork was presented to the participants. Namely, the beekeepers listened to the song about the Crimean bees. This song is likely to become an anthem of Crimean beekeepers. The author of lyrics is a poet and beekeepers’ friend – Viktor Yatskovoy.

Workshop “Technology of Bee Health Improvement without Medicines”Workshop “Technology of Bee Health Improvement without Medicines”

Workshop “Technology of Bee Health Improvement without Medicines”Workshop “Technology of Bee Health Improvement without Medicines”

The All-Ukrainian NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers” began to cooperate with Petro Khmara back in 2009. The organization promoted the P. Khmara’s lectures in many regions of Ukraine. SerhiyShmulia personally organized meetings between beekeepers and Petro Y. Khmara.

At these numerous meetings and lectures, our beekeepers familiarized themselves with the technology developed by Khmara P.Y., bought his books, insulatorsinsulatorsinsulators.

“The Brotherhood...” invited Petro Khmara to hold his lectures during the training course “Practical Beekeeping” organized by “The Brotherhood...” for their own with the support of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. It is safe to say that every attendee has become an adherent of P.Y. Khmara.

Khmara P.Y. was invited to speak at the First All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Modern ways of promising and innovative technologies development in Ukrainian beekeeping” by the “Brotherhood...” The Conference was held on March 15-16, 2011 in Kyiv as part of the III Exhibition “Apiary-Expo 2011” at the International Exhibition Center (Kyiv).

In spring 2011, 16 scientific reports were submitted to the Scientific Commissions of Apimondia for including in the Scientific Program of the Apimondia Congress in Buenos Aires (Argentina). It was managed with the help of the Organizing Committee of the Apimondia Congress 2013 and the “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers”. TheP. Khmara’sreportwas also among these submitted reports. One can notice that all of the reports were accepted by the Scientific Commissions of Apimondia 2011 and partly included in plenary sessions (for full-time presentation at the Congress) and poster sessions.

Petro Y. Khmara was invited to meet the President of Apimondia Mr. Gilles Ratia, who held a master-class “Queen breeding in XXI century. World experience” on July 15, 2011 at the International Exhibition Center.

P. Khmara also presented an informative and interesting report at the Scientific-practical Conference held in October 2011 in Alushta (AR Crimea) as part of the All-Ukrainian Beekeeper’s Forum “Crimean Meetings”. The Forum was organized by two NGOs “Beekeeper’s Union of Crimea” and “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers” in order to continue this tradition internationally. The NGOs kindly invited P.Y. Khmara and his wife to visit Alushta, to speak at the conference, to attract more beekeepers to a noble cause — improving bee health without medicines.

All P. Khmara’s speeches at conferences, meetings, seminars are available on the website of the “brotherhood...” and on the official website of the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress.

Thus, the workshop with the participation of P.Y. Khmara and his followers is a systematic cooperation between the scientist and the NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers”, as well as the NGO “Beekeepers’ Union of Crimea”.

In his speech, Petro Khmara told in great detail about his innovative technology of bee health improvement without medicines. The Ukrainian scientist, Candidate of biological sciences, doctor of veterinary medicine, member of the Board of the All-Ukrainian NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers” Petro Y. Khmara developed and implemented the unique method of artificial regulation of bees reproduction, that allows:

  • to restore lost bee immunity;
  • 100% cure of bee diseases (e.g. brood diseases, imago diseases)without using veterinary drugs;
  • to maintain highly profitable farming without medicines expenses;
  • to increase production of ecologically pure honey to 60%;
  • to increase the cost of high-quality beekeeping products at least by 1.5 times;
  • to ensure pollination of entomophilous cultures, thus increasing theiryielding capacity to 65%.

The unique technology has been already called “the technology of future beekeeping”.

Petro Y. Khmara has become a teacher to many beekeepers with solid work experience. 23 000 insulators of P. Khmara are already working for the good of the bee family.

At the workshop, the beekeeper of I category, researcher MalykhinVolodymyr told about the implementation of Khmara’s technology, prospects of a unique technology for the Ukrainian beekeeping.

Workshop “Technology of Bee Health Improvement without Medicines” Workshop “Technology of Bee Health Improvement without Medicines”

By the way, in spring 2011 Malykhin V. prepared abstracts for the presentation to the Scientific Commissions of Apimondia in Buenos Aires. It was managed with the help of the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress. The Organizing Committee of Apimondia 2013 submitted the abstracts and received confirmation of acceptance. This shows the interest of our fellow beekeepers from around the world in the Malykhin’s research.

Speeches delivered by Milenin M.I. — beekeeper-practitioner and inventor and by theHead of the queen breeding farm “Sirbila” (AR Crimea), expert in royal jelly S.R. Seytkhalilov interested beekeepers. Each of the speakers presented practical work on beekeeping to beekeepers according to the workshop topic.

Workshop “Technology of Bee Health Improvement without Medicines” Workshop “Technology of Bee Health Improvement without Medicines”

Workshop “Technology of Bee Health Improvement without Medicines” Workshop “Technology of Bee Health Improvement without Medicines”

The clergy madea huge contribution to the development of beekeeping. Monks and priests have been practicing beekeeping. Due to their occupation, they received the most valuable food – the honey, wax for candles in churches,and most importantly - the emotional joy of their work and the work of bees.Monks and priests have long been engaged in beekeeping and accumulated rich experience. “The background of “blessed beekeeping” is the natural laws of bee life”, - says Father Nikodym. “If beekeeper in the process of hard work with bees apprehends these laws for certain and doesn’t break them, then the God’s insect – the bee will thank man, will do the natural workquietly and bring extra good foods for health.

 These natural laws are:

  • law of purposeful harmony;
  • law of rhythmicity;
  • law of mutual relations;
  • law of mutual communication in bee family;
  • law of proportionality;
  • law of bringing metabolic products in bee family;
  • law of multiplication of individuals in bee family;
  • law of multiplication of families in their multifamily community;

Compliance with these natural laws in dealing with bees has changed methods of work with honeybees, and has required change of structural products for beekeeping. We called it “The Virgin Beecomplex”

“Thanks to the work and prayers, these innovations were developed and implemented in our Abkhazian Research Institute. This new communication with honeybees is only a fragment of what will soon be open for mankind on Earth” — continued his story Father Nikodym. He introduced the developed frames, offered to test them in practice at beekeeping farms of Ukrainian beekeepers.

"There is a legend — continues FatherNikodym—that in the Kiev-PecherskLavra at the beginning of the tenth century, when the first founders of monasticism in the Holy Rusmonks Anthony and Theodosius with ascetic monks settled in earthen caves on the Dnieper banks, one of that caves they dug specifically for bees. And there was no swarming, no fights and no theft among bees.

Another example of a similar joint maintenance of many bee colonies was in the Far North, in Arkhangelsk region. Saint Zosima and Savvaty are the fathers of beekeeping in Orthodoxy. They made multifamily hive from reed mace and cane. But only one God knows about it. We asked God for the disclosure of this issue with faith and belief. We’ve got an answer that these stories are real and we can repeat this experience under modern conditions.That was the beginning of the “Blessed beekeeping”.

Father Nikodym gladly answered the beekeepers’ questions and promised to share with them their knowledge of the scientist, who has been studying bees and their natural laws for 40 years.

Archimandrite Father Nikodym told not about himself, but about bees. But we know that he is only 76 years old, he is the son and nephew of professional beekeepers.His father was a teacher of famous Taranov H.F., and his uncle was a teacher at Beekeeping College. In 1971 Father Nikodym and his father visited the XXIII International Apimondia Congress held in Moscow.

After the workshop plenary session on December 17, all participants gladly had their pictures taken for a keepsake.

Workshop “Technology of Bee Health Improvement without Medicines”

On December 19, the second day of the workshop was held at the comfortable sanatorium “ZolotyiKolos” in Alushta. The results of the workshop and the mutual cooperation between the “Beekeepers’ Union of Crimea” and the “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers” were summarized.

The Heads of two NGOs in presence of members and guests signed the Memorandum of Cooperation between the All-Ukrainian NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers” and the NGO of AR Crimea “Beekeepers’ Union of Crimea”. The Memorandum covers purposes and objectives on the cooperation between beekeeping communities, ways of joint programs realization focusing on the development of beekeeping non-governmental organizations and beekeeping of the AR Crimea and Ukraine.

On December 18, the ways of cooperation between non-governmental structures, organizers of the meeting and the Beekeepers’ Association of Luhansk region were covered at the meeting. In order to coordinate work for effective participation in Programs of the International Apimondia Congress 2013, the issues of internal activities were also discussed at the meeting


President of the Organizing Committee, XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress
Chairman of the Board, the All-Ukrainian NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers”