

Resolution of the Second All-Ukrainian Beekeepers’ Forum “Crimean Meetings”

AR Crimea, Alushta, 5-8 October 2012

The Second All-Ukrainian Beekeepers’ Forum “Crimean Meetings” was held with the support of the mayor of Alushta Kolot S.V. and the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress.

The All-Ukrainian Beekeepers’ Forum was held as part of the preparation for the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress supported by the President of Ukraine, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

The organizers of the Second All-Ukrainian Beekeepers’ Forum are the Crimean NGO “Union of Beekeepers of Crimea” and the All-Ukrainian NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers”.

The Forum was attended by the “Association of beekeepers and apitherapeutists of Crimea”, “Beekeepers’ association of Luhansk region”, beekeeping experts, beekeepers-practitioners, innovators, doctors, pharmacists, representatives of medical institutions and health centers, scientists, businessmen and public figures who are interested in the development of Ukrainian beekeeping by implementing promising and innovative technologies from Lviv, Ivano — Frankivsk, Volyn, Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi, Poltava, Kyiv, Cherkasy, Kherson, Zaporizhia, Mykolayiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Sumy regions and the AR Crimea, mass media and public representatives.

The main purpose of the Forum is to determine the current topics of scientific and practical developments in public, scientific and educational sectors of Ukraine’s beekeeping to be selected and covered by the Programs of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress in Ukraine in September-October 2013.

The Scientific-practical conference under the title “Modern ways of promising and innovative technologies in beekeeping of Ukraine” was held as part of the Forum.

The purpose of the conference: scientific and practical information exchange, discussion of current practical issues of beekeeping, beekeeping products quality, apitherapy as the protection of human health, veterinary support for beekeeping, modern technologies in beekeeping, attracting of scientists, medical workers, beekeepers and other interested persons to address the current problems of modern science and society concerning preservation of the environment and the preservation of life on Earth.

After three plenary and three sessional meetings of the scientific — practical conference, visit to the A.P. Bolshakov’s queen bee breeding apiary, the Forum participants in joint discussions on important issues of beekeeping practice in Ukraine came to a general decision of mutual cooperation on:

  • Supporting of the world beekeeping community (in the framework of Apislavia and Apimondia) on recognition of the bees as endangered species. The topic of bee preservation has been discussed for several years at a number of special events held in different countries. This issue is examined by a number of special Apimondia working groups. During the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress in Ukraine in 2013, the final act of appeal to the UN and other organizations - Kyiv Protocol on the official recognition of the bees as endangered species will be drawn up and signed.
  • Cooperation development between beekeepers and doctors to create opportunities for health improvement of Ukrainian citizens by official implementing of apitherapy into medical practice.
  • Improvement of the Ukrainian honey base by holding public events “Honey Grove”, initiated by the NGO “Brotherhood of Beekeepers of Ukraine” involving government agencies, advocating the ban of destruction of green spaces, melliferous plants.
  • Establishment of efficient practical cooperation between beekeepers’ public associations and the State Veterinary Service regarding veterinary support for registered beekeeping farms.
  • Providing a legal support for beekeepers within public associations on the issues of bee colonies poisoning with chemicals used by farmers for protecting farmlands from pests.
  • Program development of cooperation between beekeepers-practitioners and scientists, educators of Ukraine working in the beekeeping sector, for the scientific and social justification of technical developments and innovative technologies offered by beekeepers-practitioners to improve beekeeping practice.

The Forum participants decided to set forth general decisions on mutual cooperation in the Appeal to the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Prysyazhnyuk M.V. and the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of AR Crimea Kravets V.M.. The purpose of the appeal is to inform Ministries on the 2nd All-Ukrainian Beekeepers’ Forum “Crimean meetings” organized by the official beekeeping public organizations, to express request of Beekeepers of Ukraine on the establishment of the Department of Beekeeping in the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of AR Crimea for the actual legalization of beekeeping industry and state coordination of its development for successful work of beekeepers for the benefit of Ukraine and its people.

Resolution of the 2nd All-Ukrainian Beekeepers’ Forum “Crimean meetings” and the Appeal to the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Prysyazhnyuk M.V. and the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of AR Crimea Kravets V.M. to be sent to the relevant ministries and published on the websites of the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress and the All-Ukrainian nongovernmental organization “Brotherhood of Beekeepers of Ukraine”.