The Second All-Ukrainian Beekeepers’ Forum “Crimean Meetings”
09 October, 2012The Second All-Ukrainian Beekeepers’ Forum “Crimean Meetings” was held with the support of the mayor of AlushtaKolot S.V. and the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress from 5 to 8 October in Alushta (AR Crimea).
Organizers of the Forum:
- Crimean NGO "Union of Beekeepers of Crimea" – a member of the European Federation of beekeeping associations Apislavia
- All-Ukrainian NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers” - a member of the International Federation of beekeeping associations Apimondia and the European Federation of beekeeping associations Apislavia
The forum was attended by the "Association of Beekeepers and Apitherapeutists of Crimea" (ABAC), "Beekeepers Association of Luhansk region", scientists and doctors, specialists from the Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky, P. Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and other public institutions, the authors of unique developments and inventions in beekeeping, beekeeping community representatives from Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporizhya, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Lviv, Luhansk, Mykolayiv, Poltava, Sumy, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Khmelnytsky, Kherson, Cherkassy, ChernigivandCherkassyregion, representatives of the authorities, the media and the public.
The main purpose of the 2nd All-Ukrainian Forum is to define current topics of scientific and practical developments in the social, scientific and educational sectors of the Ukrainian beekeeping to be covered by the Programmes of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress to be held in Ukraine in September and October 2013. Thea Scientific-Practical Conference "Modern ways of promising and innovative technologies in beekeeping of Ukraine" was held as part of the Forum and covered the following topics: phytotherapy and apitherapy, beediseases – prevention and treatment, veterinary products, innovative technology in modern beekeeping (international and domestic experience); equipment and implements. A piary and health-improving facilities tours were held as part of the Forum.
Day 1. October 5, 2012
The 2nd All-Ukrainian Beekeepers' Forum “Crimean meetings” began with the national anthem of Ukraine. The Forum was opened by the Chairman of the Crimean public organization "Beekeepers’ Union of Crimea" Klochko M.D. He emphasized the fact that the annual "Crimean meetings" has become a traditional event for Ukraine developing into the All-Ukrainian event. The speaker talked about beekeeping in Crimea, carried out an analysis of Crimean public beekeeping organizations and noted that the Crimea has become a leading regionin apitherapy. This fact is facilitating by the combination of bee products manufacturing with natural factors - the fresh air, the sea, recreational parkland areas and extensive infrastructure of health resort area of AR Crimea. Theseneed highly educated apitherapeutists.
The President of the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII Apimondia Congress, the Chairman of the Board of the NGO “Brotherhood of Beekeepers of Ukraine” greeted the participants and noticed the important role of beekeeping forums in Crimea. This Forum is an official event on the preparation of the International Congress Apimondia-2013. It is important that the annual Forums in Crimea involve the professional representatives of national and international beekeeping revealing new aspects and talents of the Ukrainian people. It is pleasant that this year we attract official medicine in the apitherapy movement this year. “I am convinced that the tandem of beekeepers-apiculture producers and professional doctors will be crucial for the future development of apitherapy in Ukraine ", - Vasylkivska T. said.
The President of the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII Apimondia Congress Vasylkivska T. reported to the Forum participants on the preparations for the Congress and presented Certificates of the Heads of the Working Commissions of theApimondiaCongress Organizing Committee – to the Chairman of the Crimean public organization "Beekeepers’ Union of Crimea" Klochko M.D. and the Heads of the regional organizations of the NGO “Brotherhood of Beekeepers of Ukraine”: Mykolayiv – Zhevanov V.I., Cherkassy – Moroz P.S., Lviv – Shevchuk V.V., Volyn – Pryimak V.I. She noted that the approved preparation plan of the Apimondia Congress is successfully implementing. The Organizing Committee actively cooperates with the state authorities of Ukraine, scientific institutions, official NGOs in the beekeeping industry and partners.
Head of the “Beekeepers’ Association of Luhansk region”, head of the Scientific and Production Beekeeping Center of LNAU Papchenko O.V. conveyed greetings of the Rector of the Lugansk National Agrarian University Tkachenko V.H. and the “Beekeepers’ Association of Luhansk region”, wished fruitful work to the participants of the Forum Scientific Conference.
The first day of the Scientific Conference was devoted toreports on the following subject “Apitherapy and Phytotherapy to protect the health of the nation”. MD, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, assistant professor at the Physical education and Valeology Department of the P. TychynaUmanStatePedagogicalUniversityPidhornyi V.K. (Cherkassy) presented the report on "The Practice of Implementation of Apitherapyand PhytotherapyMethods.The main bee products for use in the practical apitherapy.”
The report of the MD, Associate Professor Shevchuk M.F. was devoted to "Optimization of human sex hormones due to bee products, depending on age and gender," and was actively welcomed by the audience.
The topic "Propolis. Applicationinmedicalpractice"was discovered withscientificjustificationby the MD, specialist in beekeeping of I category Syurkov O.H. (Balaklava).
The report “Beehive from the inventor” was made by the beekeeping expert Yarovyi M.M. (Sumy). He was the first, who officially fixed a new trend of the human health improving by using bees’ bioenergy. The author has presented to a professional audience the patented options and compositions of beehives for lying on for health-improving. Yarovyi M.M. noted that his inventions are protected by copyright. “It means that any copying and use of patented designs without permission recorded in the relevant agreements, is a kind of plagiarism and is penalized according to law in the civilized world”, - T. Vasylkivska said, - There are people, who like to misappropriate intellectual property rights of inventors in Ukraine. It is a shame. The legislation of Ukraine provides appropriate responses to plagiarism. Everyone should remember this.”
The report of the Honorary Beekeeper of Crimea and Ukraine Valigura L.O. (Alushta) “Beekeeping products - elixir of health” was read out by the beekeeping expert of I category Salnikov V.P. (Simferopol). The report “Apitherapy and Bee Products - The Way to active longevity” by the neurologist, specialist in alternative medicine Senyshyn D.M. (resort “Skhidnytsya”, Lviv) was very interesting. DmytroMarianovych fascinated the Forum participants with professional fundamental knowledge of a doctor, who uses beekeeping products in his medical practice. The doctor’s report was made during the plenary day session and the evening session, and was perceived as an innovative approach to the human health-imroving by using medicinal beekeeping products.
By the way, we can notice the attentiveness and interest of the Forum participants – beekeeping products producers, who preferred the interactive lectures of highly educated experts in beekeeping and apitherapyto a wonderful "velvet" season on the Black Sea. From the first day of plenary sessions of the Scientific – practical conference, it has become a rule to continue conference at the evening sessions every day. Extraordinary atmosphere of aspiration for knowledge filled the recreation complex "Chayka" throughout the period of the 2nd All-Ukrainian Forum "Crimean meetings".
A member of the Beekeepers and Entrepreneurs Council of Kharkiv region, beekeeping expert of I category Chukhray T.M. (Kharkiv) presented interesting practical developments on the health-improvement of human body by using beekeeping products.
At the end of the first day of the scientific-practical conference, the report “"Royal Jelly - a source of active longevity" was made by the beekeeping expert of I category, queen bee breeding expert Seydhalilova S.R. (Simferopol).
At the evening session of the first day of the scientific - practical conference, the report “Healing properties of beekeeping products – to a practicing beekeeper” was delivered by beekeeping expert of I category, member of the Beekeepers and Entrepreneurs Council of Kharkiv region Chukhray T.M. (Kharkiv).
Day 2. October 6, 2012
НAt the request of the Forum participants, a report on the subject of apitherapy by neurologist Senyshyn D.M. (Lviv) was resumed on the second day of the conference.
Beekeeper of I category, member of the “Apitherapeutists’ Association of Crimea” Filisteyeva G.I. (Simferopol) presented a report of beekeeping equipment manufacturer and publisher of the magazine "Bee, health, apitherapy" Sanin Y.K. (Kharkiv) and and Vice-President of ABAC, senior researcher of the institute of “Phyto-medicinal and Oil Bearing Plants”, beekeeping expert of I category Salnikov V.P. under the title “On the prospects of beekeeping development".
The Chairman of the Board of the NGO “Beekeepers’ Union of Crimea” Klochko M.D. (Simferopol) revealed the topic of the second plenary conference day “Bee diseases. Prevention, Treatment.Veterinary preparations.Bee saving and protection.Alternative beekeeping”. His presentation covered the achievements and developments of Polish scientists concerning veterinary support for beekeeping according to the materials of the XIX Apislavia Congress. Klochko M.D. was a member of the official Ukrainian delegation at the XIX Apislavia Congress and told the Forum participants about the main Congress events in Poland.
A series of drugs of partnership company “Primavet-Sofia” (Bulgaria) was presented by the Head of the “Beekeepers’ Association of Luhansk region” Papchenko O.V. (Luhansk).
A report under the title “Topicality of the innovative beekeeping” was presented by the Head of the Board of the NGO “Brotherhood of Beekeepers of Ukraine” Shmulia S.O. (Kyiv) and covered substantial conclusions on the need to study and apply innovative technologies in practical beekeeping. In particular, the speaker focused on global challenges of bees disappearing problem (CCD syndrome) and the problem of bee poisoning with pesticides, herbicides and antibiotics. A unique video footage and the ways of solving the bee keeping and bee health-improving problems was presented to the audience by the founder of the innovative movement in Ukraine on bee health-improving without using veterinary preparations, PhD, doctor of veterinary medicine Khmara P.Y.
Beekeeper of I category Kozhemyaka S.A. (Cherkassy, Cherkassy regional organization of the NGO “Brotherhood of Beekeeprs of Ukraine”) delivered a speech “Practical achievements of alternative beekeeping” according to the P. Khmara’s technology. The speaker described the main advantages of the reproduction regulation method and the prospects of its use for bee healh-improving without using veterinary medications, effective beekeeping and high quality beekeeping products manufacturing.
The evening session was devoted to the reports by the doctor Senyshyn D.M. on health-improving of the Ukrainians by using beekeeping products, father Nykodym on the topic “Our Lady’s beekeeping”.
Day 3. October 7, 2012
The third plenary conference day was devoted to the topic “Beekeeping in modern natural conditions. Practical beekeeping. Equipment in beekeeping.Modern technologies.” There were interesting reports delivered by the beekeeping researchers and practitioners on that day. Klochko M.D. (Simferopol) shared the information about interesting developments on the industrial nomadic beekeeping on platforms. Beekeeping expert of I category Valeriy Kryshko(Kherson region) presented to the participants a report “Practice of keeping bee colonies in pavilions” and a famous queen bee breeding expert Bolshakov A. P. (Simferopol) presented an interesting report under the title “Practice of queen bee breeding in the AR Crimea. High quality queen is the basis of a healthy and strong bees ".
A famous expert-practitioner Milenin M.I. (Simferopol) delivered a report about the unique intensive technology of keeping bees in a complex beehive. A report on the artificial insemination of a queen (theory and practice) by the beekeeping expert of I category Seydahilov S.R. (Simferopol) was quite interesting. The Head of the Beekeeping educational center of the Luhansk National Agrarian University, Head of the Beekeepers’ Association of Luhansk region Papchenko O.V. delivered two speeches, i.e. “Peculiarities of beekeeping products production technology in the modern beekeeping ecological environment" and “Apiindication as a method of analysis of anthropogenically transformed environment”. OleksandrViktorovych also presented the Luhansk National Agrarian University “LNAU – beekeeping science, education and practice” with a film demonstration. A speech by the beekeeping expert Svyatovets O.P. (Cherkassy, Cherkassy regional organization of the NGO “Brotherhood of Beekeeprs of Ukraine”) “A human as a self-regulating system” inspired participants to work on themselves. At the end of the plenary session of the scientific-practical conference, beekeeping expert Skrypnyk V.F. (KryvyiRih)presented a speech under the title “Feeding of bees. Feeders for bees. Sugar syrup using – pros and cons”.
At the evening session of the Forum participants have a chance to watch a video of “Wax room” of the Honorary Beekeeper of Crimea and Ukraine Valigura L.O. (Alushta). A video lecture by the Professor Rudenko Y.V. (Kharkiv) “Bee diseases.Prevention. Treatment” was presented to the participants.
The scientific conference this year had a great number of reports by the highly qualified specialists in apitherapy, practical and innovative beekeeping that interested the audience. Therefore, thematic reports were delivered every day in the evening.
During the 3 Forum days, 23 reports were presented, numerous debates on the current beekeeping topics were held, comments and additional information concerning scientific and practical issues in apitherapy, veterinary in beekeeping, keeping bees in modern conditions of climate changes, etc. were given. Numerous individual meetings and conversations on experience exchange were held.
Participants of the 2nd All-Ukrainian Beekeepers’ Forum “Crimean Meetings” unanimously adopted the Forum Resolution. The draft resolution was read out by the President of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress Vasylkivska T.
In the evening, on October 7, a friendly supper with the presentation of certificates of the delegates of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress and handing out gifts were held.
Day 4. October 8, 2012
Technical tour to a specialized queen bee breeding apiary of Bolshakov A.P. was held on October, 8. The apiary owner held a lecture and master class with numerous answers to the beekeepers’ questions. The Forum participants learned about queen bee breeding technology, characteristics of the existing part of queen breeding, prospects and opportunities of this unique farm.
At the end of the day, the participants of the Second All-Ukrainian Beekeeper’s Forum “Crimean meetings” visited Bakhchisaray (Khan Palace and Uspensky Cave Monastery).