Serhiy Dmytrovych Melnychuk

Serhiy Dmytrovych Melnychuk

Date of birth: 25 August 1970


1987 — 1992 T. Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Specialty — Biochemistry (Hons)

1992 — T. Shevchenko National University, Kyiv — Candidate of science (Biochemistry)

1992 — 1995 — A. Paladin Institute of Biochemistry, Kyiv — PhD (Biology)

1996 — 1998 — National Agricultural University, Kyiv — Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

August — December 2000 — Iowa State University, Iowa, USA — Certificate “Food Science and Human Nutrition”

2000 — 2004 — National Agricultural University, Kyiv — PhD (Biochemistry)

Since November 23, 2007 — Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences

Employment history:

1988 — 1996 — A. Paladin Institute of Biochemistry, Kyiv — Junior Researcher

1996 — 2001 — National Agricultural University, Kyiv — Researcher, Lecturer

2001 — 2006 — National Agricultural University, Kyiv — Professor

2001 — 2003 — National Agricultural University, Kyiv — Dean, Department of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products

Current employment:

Since 1996 — National Agricultural University, Kyiv — Professor, Dean, Lecturer, Vice-Rector

Since 2001 — Director of the “Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products”, National Agricultural University, Kyiv

Since September 2009 — Scientific Coordinator of the Organizing Committee, the XXXXIII Apimondia International Apicultural Congress

He is one of the founders of the scientific school for studying the molecular mechanisms of the natural and artificial animal hypobiosis development and maintenance in Ukraine. Serhiy Melnychuk and his colleagues improved existing methods and developed new methods for the state transition of certain biological objects (animals, fish cells) in the state of artificial hypobiosis. And certain molecular and biochemical characteristics of the impact of this phenomenon on the key links of energy and nitrogen metabolism and the free radical formation in tissues were shown. Melnychuk S.D. was the first who proposed the mechanism of anaerobic energy transformation of the pyridine nucleotides reduction and ATP in the animal cells under conditions of natural hypobiosis.

The list of his scientific publications includes more than 130 works, including one monograph, 9 books and 5 manuals. He is the author of 12 patents for inventions in Ukraine.
Two PhDs completed their doctoral study under his supervision and two men are preparing for a PhD defense.

Marital status:


Hobbies & Interests:

hunting, fishing, rowing, playing guitar