Press conference on the topic: Apimondia Congress 2013 is going to be the biggest international event in Ukraine after the Euro 2012
19 May, 2011Participants:
President of the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress, Chairman of the Board of the NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers” — Tetyana Vasylkivska;
Communication Coordinator of the Organizing Committee, Member of the Board of the NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers”, President of the Union of private consultants for small and medium businesses “Chumak Way” — Yuriy Riphyak;
Tour Coordinator of the Organizing Committee, Director of the Travel agency “Terra Incognita” — Serhiy Pidmohylny;
Organizer of the exhibition ApiExpo-2013, International Exhibition Center — Serhiy Markov
The XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress will be the largest international event in the history of Ukrainian agro-industrial complex and the third largest international event in the history of Ukraine — after the European Football Championship in 2012 and Eurovision 2005: 12,000 visitors from more than 100 countries will gather in Kyiv in autumn 2013.
Will Apimondia 2013 strengthen the international prestige of Ukraine or will become another way of milking the budget and source of cheap political PR? The President of the Organizing Committee Tetyana Vasylkivska will tell us sensational facts about the achievements and difficulties of preparing this significant event for Ukraine.
The Congress Apimondia 2013 is a prestige of industry, the pride of the hosting country, a historic event for entrepreneurs, professional beekeepers and amateurs, representatives of science and technology, all those who live and work in beekeeping, and for everyone who loves extremely useful and delicious beekeeping products.
In September 2009, at the XXXXI International Apimondia Congress in the French city of Montpellier, Ukrainian beekeepers have won the right to host the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress in Ukraine, in Kyiv to be held at the International Exhibition Center in late September 2013.
On September 19, 2009 the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress was established as a result of signing the Letter of Agreement. It consists on the one side of the President of Apimondia, Vice President of Apimondia, Secretary General of Apimondia, Counsel, Presidents of standing scientific commissions and on the other side — of the representatives from Ukraine: the leaders and members of the national beekeeping organizations the NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers” and the NGO “Beekeepers’ Union of Ukraine”, Director of the Ukrainian laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, General Director of the International Exhibition Centre and the Director of the Travel agency “Terra Incognita”.
The preparation campaign of the Congress is carried out by the Organizing Committee under programs agreed in the letter of agreement.
Today we are preparing for the 42nd Apimondia Congress to be held in September 2011 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is the official platform for starting active promotional campaign of the Apimondia Congress in Ukraine.
The Main Program of the future XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress was formed and elaborated. It includes the program of official events, program of exhibition events, scientific program, cultural and social programs, contest program, tourism program, sponsorship program, partnership and volunteer program.
On March 23, 2011 a meeting with the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Hanna Herman was held. Documents prepared by the Organizing Committee were submitted to the President of Ukraine Viktor F. Yanukovych. The support of the President of Ukraine will show a high level of attention and support of beekeeping from the Ukrainian state to the entire international beekeeping community and will promote this historic event at the highest level.
Materials for the Minister of Agriculture and Food, Minister of Culture and Tourism, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine and the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing, General Director National Television Company of Ukraine and Head of Kyiv Regional State Administration, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea were prepared and sent by the Organizing Committee.
Scientific workshops and conferences of nationwide and international importance on topical issues of the beekeeping industry and preparation of the Congress were held. Meetings with foreign international beekeeping organizations and enterprises on cooperation and partnership were conducted.
Materials for meetings of the Executive Council of Apimondia to be held at the end of May 2011 in Rome (Italy) were prepared.
A preparation for the official visit of the President of the International Federation of Beekeeping Associations Apimondia Mr. Gilles Ratia in early July 2011 is carried out.
Working groups and scientific working commissions on preparation for the Congress have been established in 17 regions of Ukraine.
Only by joint efforts of beekeeping community, government agencies, research organizations this UNIQUE, BRIGHT, INTERESTING and USEFUL XXXXIII International Apicultural Apimondia Congress can be held in Ukraine in 2013.
Contact person:
Yuriy Riphyak
066 79 07 217