II Meeting of the NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers”- summary
14 April, 2011II Meeting of the NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers”- summary
Members of the NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers” have been waiting a long time for this event since the previous Congress held in May 2006. Since then, many changes have happened in the organization; events significant for the Brotherhood were held. The most important one is receiving the right to host the 43rd International Apimondia Congress in 2013.
A lot of attention was dedicated to this event at the meeting. Communication Coordinator of the Organizing Committee of the Congress Yuriy Riphyak revealed to present participants the most interesting details of the Ukrainian promotional campaign and presented a presentation translated into Ukrainian that was a decisive argument that persuaded the General Apimondia Assembly votes in our favor.
In general, the Meeting was attended by 115 delegates representing 18 regional branches of the Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers and about a hundred of guests. In particular, members of the Meeting were welcomed by the Head of Agricultural Development Department of Lviv Regional State Administration Dmytro Moroz, Deputy Mayor of Lviv Vasyl Kosiv, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Austria in Lviv Yaroslav Nakonechny and other officials. Mr. Moroz stressed the importance of development of pollination beekeeping and the need to take measures to control the chemicals plant processing, which is a great danger to bees. There was also speech presented by the Chevalier of the National Order of Merit of the French Republic in agriculture Mr. Bernard Willem engaged in Lviv cheese manufacturing from goat milk according to traditional French recipes.
The letters of congratulations from the President of the International Federation of Beekeeping Associations “Apimondia” Gilles Ratia, the Vice-President of the Federation “Apislavia”, the President of Balkan Beekeeping Federation and the Director General of the Apimondia Foundation “FIITEA” Cristian Constantinescu, the President of the Beekeepers’ Union of Moldova Stefan Kondratyuk were read at the meeting.
Chairman of the Brotherhood Tetyana Vasylkivska in her report described the main events in the activities of the NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers” in the period from 2007 to 2010. There have been so many events during four years, so the report of the Chairman of the Board lasted almost an hour. The seminar program of volunteers from the USA CNFA, visits of the Presidents of Apimondia, Asger Jorgensen and Gilles Ratia, mutual exchange of official visits with beekeepers from the Republic of Korea, refresher courses for Ukrainian beekeepers at the National Agrarian University, the victory of Ukrainian honey and honey drinks at the Apimondia Congresses and prestigious international competitions, the Honey Feast, the All-Ukrainian Honey Championship, the International Forum " Honey Intercession" in Lviv and receiving the right to host Apimondia 2013 — it is only part of the list.
The delegates of the Meeting unanimously recognized the Chairman’s report as satisfactory, and Tetyana Vasylkivska was reelected to this position for three years.
One of the most important decisions of the Second Meeting of the NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers” was the adoption of the Charter in the new wording. Elaboration and public discussion of this document lasted since 2008. A number of inconsistencies and contradictions that impede the work of the Brotherhood were corrected and the system of governing bodies of the organization was reformed.
In accordance with the new version of the Charter, the composition of the Board of the Brotherhood was elected, which now consists only of the heads of regional organizations. Thus, the principle of territorial representation in the organization was consolidated. Serhiy O. Shmulia was elected the Head of the Board.
The newly elected Head of the Board thanked fellow beekeepers for trust and introduced a project of the Ethics Code for Ukrainian beekeeping NGOs that will form the basis of the principles of the renewed Brotherhood.
Also, elections to a representative body the Board of the Brotherhood, which includes prominent industry representatives, scientists and public figures, were held. Members of the Board are the Chief Editor of the magazine “Ukrainian Beekeeper” Mykola Ostashevsky, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of the National Pharmaceutical University (Kharkiv) Academician Oleksandr Tykhonov, Director of the Institute of animal husbandry UAAS Professor Yevhen Rudenko, Director of the National Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products Serhiy Melnychuk, known scientists Prof. Viktor Polishchuk and Prof. Petro Khmara, a number of other worthy representatives of Ukrainian beekeeping.
A new logo of the organization was approved at the Meeting: the composition of yellow, blue and green hexagons of various sizes resembling a bee, which flies to a flower. The logo symbolizes the unity of beekeepers from different regions of Ukraine.
Another important step in reforming the Brotherhood was the adoption of the concept of the organization’s finances by paying membership fees. During the first quarter of 2011, the contribution from will be discussed in regional organizations of the Brotherhood. Its final adoption will be held in March.
At the end of the Meeting, an appeal to the President of Apimondia Gilles Ratia was approved. Members of the Brotherhood have shown their commitment to international cooperation in beekeeping, have expressed interest in further partnership and experience exchange with colleagues all over the world, have assured that the Apimondia Congress 2013 in Kyiv will be at the highest level and have decided to participate in the global dialogue between beekeeping community and government sector in recognizing the Apis Mellifera as endangered species.
The delegates received the first batch of plastic membership cards and participant certificates of the Brotherhood. The most active members and partner organizations were awarded with diplomas.
The second day of the Meeting launched with the solemn meeting of the new Council of the Brotherhood. The meeting was held in an open format: many brothers had the opportunity to share their ideas, suggestions or comments with the members. Such format of meetings will be traditional.
At the end of the Meeting, at the invitation of the Head of Busk regional organization Oleh Ilkiv, delegates and guests went to the city of Busk. There, in the presence of representatives of all Christian denominations, a solemn consecration of gonfalons of Busk regional organization was held.
The Meeting Program ended with the excursion to the famous Oleskyi Castle.
Official site of the NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian beekeepers”: www.honeyua.com
Ukrainian site of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress: www.apimondia2013.org.ua