14 December, 2012
On December 14, 2012 a Board Meeting and General Meeting of the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress was held in the International Exhibition Center (Kyiv).
The Purpose of the meeting: the discussion of opportunities, prospects and terms of participation for Ukrainian producers working in the field of beekeeping, in the Programs of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress to be held from September 29 to October 4, 2012 in Ukraine in Kyiv at the International Exhibition Center (the Tourism Program covers all regions of Ukraine and will take place from September 23 to October 14, 2013).
The meeting was attended by the Deputy Director of the Livestock Markets Department of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Mr. Volodymyr A. Pyshcholka.
The meeting was also attended by the invited heads of enterprises – producers of beekeeping products, beekeeping equipment and implements, exporters of beekeeping products, queen breeding experts from the AR of Crimea, Vinnytsia, Volyn, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zhytomyr, Zakarpattya, Zaporizhzhia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kirovograd, Kyiv, Luhansk, Lviv, Mykolayiv, Odesa, Poltava, Sumy, Kharkiv, Kherson, Khmelnytsky, Cherkasy, Chernihiv regions, Kyiv and Sevastopol, as well as representatives of foreign comoanies: ATS Ukraine (France – Ukraine), Primavet-Sofia Ltd. (Bulgaria).
The meeting was attended by the invited Heads of regional working commissions of the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII international Apimondia Congress; heads of beekeeping NGOs that are partners of the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress.
The Director of the International Exhibition Center, the Organizer of the Exhibition ApiExpo 2013 Anatoliy V. Tkachenko delivered a welcoming speech at the meeting.
Tags: XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress, Organization of Congress, Cooperation with Producers and Community, Volodymyr A. Pyshcholka, “Sodruzhestvo” Ltd, “plant-firm “Os” Ltd, “Melissa – 93” Ltd, “Promtekhnika” Ltd, ATS-Ukraine, “AVV-100” Ltd, Association “APAK”
07 November, 2012
On November 1-4, 2012, the 3rd International Beekeeping and Pine Honey Congress was held at a wonderful Grand Yazici Mares Hotel in Marmaris (in the South of Turkey).(3rd International Beekeeping and Pine Honey Congress).
By invitation of Tetyana Vasylkivska, the Minister of Forestry and Water Affairs of Turkey Prof. Dr. Veysel Eroglu visited a stand of ХХХХІІІ International Apimondia Congress. He listened carefully to the information about the achievements of the All-Ukrainian NGO “Brotherhood of Beekeepers of Ukraine” on the success in international activities that crowned with winning the right to host the International Apimondia Congress 2013 in Ukraine. He wished success to the Ukrainian beekeepers in hosting the World Beekeeping Congress. The Minister expressed his great hope that Turkish beekeepers will make every effort to present their country with dignity in Ukraine in 2013 and win the right to host the Apimondia Congress in Turkey in 2017. He gave the Turkish beekeepers hope that he will support their intention to host the Apimondia Congress in Istanbul.
Representatives of the Organizing Committee held meetings with the President of the Central Union of Turkish Beekeepers Bahri YILMAZ, the Chairman of the Union of Beekepers of Muğla Province Ziya ŞAHİN, the Rector of Mugla University Prof. Dr. Mansur HARMANDAR, scientists and leading moderators of the Scientific-practical conference Prof. Dr. Muhsin DOĞAROĞLU and Assist. Prof. Dr. Aslı ÖZKIRIM, business leaders of Turkey engaged in the manufacturing of beekeeping products and beekeeping equipment. Negotiations with scientific representatives and representatives of world beekeeping associations from Russia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the countries of Africa and Asia were held.
A meeting of the representatives of the Organizing Committee and the President of Apimondia Gilles Ratia was very important. Consultations on the program of the Congress Apimondia 2013, certain issues concerning the organization of the Congress in Ukraine were held. Representatives of the Organizing Committee held successful meetings with the President of the Regional Commission for Europe Philip McCabe (Ireland) and the Vice – President of Apislavia Cristian Constantinescu.
Tags: XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress, 3rd International Beekeeping and Pine Honey Congress, Professor. Dr. Veysel Eroglu, Bahri YILMAZ
27 October, 2012
The 81th National Honey Show, that have been held in London between
25 and 27 October, continues the tradition established back in 1923. It’s the oldest,
most sophisticated and the stricktest beekeeping contest in the world.
Ukrainian presence at this prestigious
competition started 4 years ago, when our delegation won 15 awards, including 2
cups. The next year we almost repeated this success, scoring 9 prizes and
established a 10-year Medal of Ukraine, awarded to the best honey from outside
of British Isles. The first Medal of Ukraine went to Mauritius in 2010, the
second was not awarded and the third had been won by the honay from royal
apiaries of Oman.
Tags: World Honey Championship, World’s Oldest Honey Contest, National Honey Show
22 October, 2012
On October 22, 2012 representatives of the Organizing Committee of the XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress held a meeting with the Heads of Scientific Commissions from Ukraine to discuss cooperation on the preparation of the Congress Scientific Conference, abstracts acceptance and reviewing of reports of scientists around the world and obtaining positive results of the Scientific Program of the Apimondia Congress 2013 as a whole.
Tags: NGO “Brotherhood of Ukrainian beekeepers”, XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
12 October, 2012
The President of the Organizing Committee of the
ХХХХІІІ International Apimondia Congress Vasylkivska Tetyana at numerous
beekeeping events emphasizes the fact that the organization and holding the
international event such as XXXXIII International Congress Apimondia is a
matter of prestige of Ukraine. It is an opportunity to attract international
investors in the Ukrainian beekeeping. This is a significant increase of the
international community’s interest in Ukraine - and not only beekeepers.
That is why the Organizing Committee of the
XXXXIII International Apimondia Congress tries to attract all possible
resources and support. The state in this process plays an important role,
because Apimondia Congress is a world-class event, during which leading experts
and specialists, researchers and representatives of various international and
national beekeeping organizations and institutions, equipment manufacturers, manufacturers
of various products, investors, large exporters and importers, ordinary
beekeepers from more than 120 countries will visit Ukraine.
This event will contribute not only to the
national beekeeping development - it will help establish many important
international relations and stimulate the agricultural sector and the economy
as a whole.
Tags: Order N 188/2011-rp “On supporting of the International Congress Apimondia by the President of Ukraine”, Letter from the Administration of the President of Ukraine, Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine